Sunday, May 16, 2010

kursus kahwin @ sex education!!=)

2 days session and on the last day i woke up late at 7.45 am..!!! had a 5 minute bath...5 minutes of ironing my baju kurung and tudung....and a minute or 2 for a cup of milo..arrived at eddy's house in selayang around 8.30 ....and finally reached setiawangsa at 8.45.. right on time!!!...BRAVO NISA!!!

the first few hours was a pain in the ass for me!!! sleepy .... bored and having to sit in front as all the back seats were taken....just as i was about to doodle in class the ustaz caught my attention with the "it" topic...i acted "cool"..:P but the girl next to me couldn't stop giggling and blushing ..while covering her mouth with her hijab...lorr funny..... could be she's too excited or too embarassed about it.... muhahahhah...who knows right??..the funniest part was when the ustaz tried to keep it low by using words such as "kolam air dah basah" "tiang bendera dah pacak" and "jan sampai laki korang tulis gune pensil sendiri"......and there goes the HIGHLITE of the day when he recited a HADIS " maka si isteri hendaklah memenuhi kehendak suaminye walaupun dikehendaki ketike menunggang unta"......
who says marrige life is easy??? i mean like for REAL.??!!! on a CAMEL?!! urghhhh...hahhaha suddenly i had goosebumps..i didn't know it could reach to that extend!! now i can define SEX as CHORES....ok lorrrr....enough with the saying....afraid i might cross the line.......BTW no poems for today....i'll update my poems tomorrow...sleeppy nite..nite (-_-)....

  • found this on the net.....and its quoted from the Quran...
"Isteri-isteri kamu adalah sawah ladang kamu, maka datangilah sawah ladangmu itu dengan cara yang kamu sukai." (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 223)

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